This industrial research project aims to design a prototype based on proprietary technology to measure and evaluate conducted electromagnetic phenomena such as harmonic current emissions, including superharmonic and discontinuous voltage fluctuations (flickers). The prototype will consist of three independent and interchangeable modules that give it a novel and differentiating characteristic: transduction and sensing, instrumentation and processing. Likewise, this prototype measurement system will be capable of evaluating the electromagnetic phenomena included in this project’s scope through the acquisition and processing of data in real-time, preserving all the waveform information. The entire prototype must consider the non-linear behaviour of the loads connected to the network, also allowing the cumulative effect reported and the impact on the quality of the electricity supplied to be assessed. Therefore, this technology will create new capabilities to address complex interference scenarios arising from the proliferation of non-linear loads connected to the electrical grid and meet current and future EMC regulatory requirements.
Granted by ACCIÒ, Call Nuclis R+D 2023. Grant number: ACE088/23/000009.