Our team

We are a team of experts committed to offering effective and high-quality technological solutions that are tailored to stringent client and project requirements.

Marc Aragón

CEO - Administrador

Industrial Engineer focussed on Electronics. Since beginning his studies (2002), he has specialised in EMC. He is an EMC electronic design expert and has collaborated with companies in various application branches, notably medical devices, automotive and instrumentation systems. He was involved in EMC regulatory assessment activities in equipment and systems, in technical consultancy and as an instructor in specialised training courses for companies. He was responsible for projects at the TECNIO GCEM-UPC centre. At GCEM-UPC, he was also in charge of marketing, client acquisition and service project management. These skills allow him to lead EMC Barcelona globally, considering technical aspects, management, and leadership. He is an associate professor at the UPC, where he teaches EMC, being in an optimal situation for attracting young talent.

Marco Azpúrua

R&D Manager

PhD, Telecom. Engineer experienced in EMC and applied electromagnetics. He has an R&D-oriented profile emphasising EMI and RF/uW instrumentation and a strong background in quality management, metrology and test system automation. His PhD focused on measuring EMI in the time domain and its applications in complex scenarios. This knowledge, transferred into EMC Barcelona’s R&D developments, provides the company with new and improved services according to the state of the art. Beyond EMC Barcelona, he is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electronic Engineering at UPC. Dr Azpúrua is Fellow of the StandICT.eu 2023 and 2026 projects, Senior member of the IEEE and its EMC and IMS societies, a member of the IEEE ICES and an expert of the CISPR\CIS B WG 1 & WG 7 in representation of Spain. Dr Azpúrua received the “Faculty Course Development Award” from the IEEE IMS and the best student paper award at the 2017 EMC Europe.

Iván Gonzalez

Operations Manager

From 2015 - 2021, he worked in electromagnetic compatibility, first as a test technician and then as a laboratory coordinator at GCEM, UPC. During this period, Ivan's direct interaction with clients allowed him to understand their EMC problems very closely and understand the needs and solutions that, in practice, are required to ensure compliance with the EMC Directive and the Radio Equipment Directive. This experience allows him to coordinate technical activities in the test laboratory and maintain the instrumentation systems. He is the Operations Manager at EMC Barcelona and has accumulated vast experience collaborating with many companies, primarily SMEs, developing electronic and electrical products in Catalonia.

Jordi Solé-Lloveras

Head of Quality and Improvement

Jordi Sole-Lloveras holds a Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering (2020) and a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering (2022), both from the Universitat Poliécnica de Catalunya (UPC). He is pursuing a PhD in electronic engineering at the same university. From 2018-2021 he worked with GCEM-UPC. Jordi has experience providing EMC services (testing) and conducting technology transfer activities with companies. He participated in research projects that required complex measurements for the aeronautic industry, such as current sensing on composite and fuselage junctions. He joined EMC Barcelona in 2021. He is developing numerous tasks oriented to this field to obtain his PhD as part of his project (Industrial Doctorates 2021).

Xileidys Parra

Project Controller. Postdoc.

PhD (2018, cum laude), Industrial Engineer (2004). Her doctoral research was developed at UPC’s Department of Statistics and Operations Research (EIO). Dr Parra focused on developing maturity models to evaluate the information-based decision-making process in SMEs, obtaining her PhD in 2018. Her technical expertise includes business management systems, quality assurance and improvement, business process management, process-based management, project management, and statistical techniques in process optimisation. Recently, she has focused on project management and control, addressing the requirements of R&D&I programs and funding agencies.

Marc García Bermúdez

R&D Engineer

Marc García Bermudez recently graduated in Telecommunications Electronics Engineering and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Aerospace Science and Technology Engineering. At EMC Barcelona, he primarily supports R&D projects, including the EMC-STD and emiSPACE.

Jan Fíguls Martínez

EMC Technician

Intern. Student of Telecommunications Electronics Engineering at the UPC. Currently working on the design of RF switches for test benches.

Judit Pujol Puig

EMC Technician

Intern. She is a final-year student in telecommunications electronic engineering at UPC. Currently, she is developing an antenna radiation pattern and EIRP measurement system, focusing on instrument control and user interface.

Marc Aragón

CEO - Administrador

Industrial Engineer focussed on Electronics. Since beginning his studies (2002), he has specialised in EMC. He is an EMC electronic design expert and has collaborated with companies in various application branches, notably medical devices, automotive and instrumentation systems. He was involved in EMC regulatory assessment activities in equipment and systems, in technical consultancy and as an instructor in specialised training courses for companies. He was responsible for projects at the TECNIO GCEM-UPC centre. At GCEM-UPC, he was also in charge of marketing, client acquisition and service project management. These skills allow him to lead EMC Barcelona globally, considering technical aspects, management, and leadership. He is an associate professor at the UPC, where he teaches EMC, being in an optimal situation for attracting young talent.

Marco Azpúrua

R&D Manager

PhD, Telecom. Engineer experienced in EMC and applied electromagnetics. He has an R&D-oriented profile emphasising EMI and RF/uW instrumentation and a strong background in quality management, metrology and test system automation. His PhD focused on measuring EMI in the time domain and its applications in complex scenarios. This knowledge, transferred into EMC Barcelona’s R&D developments, provides the company with new and improved services according to the state of the art. Beyond EMC Barcelona, he is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electronic Engineering at UPC. Dr Azpúrua is Fellow of the StandICT.eu 2023 and 2026 projects, Senior member of the IEEE and its EMC and IMS societies, a member of the IEEE ICES and an expert of the CISPR\CIS B WG 1 & WG 7 in representation of Spain. Dr Azpúrua received the “Faculty Course Development Award” from the IEEE IMS and the best student paper award at the 2017 EMC Europe.

Iván Gonzalez

Operations Manager

From 2015 - 2021, he worked in electromagnetic compatibility, first as a test technician and then as a laboratory coordinator at GCEM, UPC. During this period, Ivan's direct interaction with clients allowed him to understand their EMC problems very closely and understand the needs and solutions that, in practice, are required to ensure compliance with the EMC Directive and the Radio Equipment Directive. This experience allows him to coordinate technical activities in the test laboratory and maintain the instrumentation systems. He is the Operations Manager at EMC Barcelona and has accumulated vast experience collaborating with many companies, primarily SMEs, developing electronic and electrical products in Catalonia.

Jordi Solé-Lloveras

Head of Quality and Improvement

Jordi Sole-Lloveras holds a Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering (2020) and a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering (2022), both from the Universitat Poliécnica de Catalunya (UPC). He is pursuing a PhD in electronic engineering at the same university. From 2018-2021 he worked with GCEM-UPC. Jordi has experience providing EMC services (testing) and conducting technology transfer activities with companies. He participated in research projects that required complex measurements for the aeronautic industry, such as current sensing on composite and fuselage junctions. He joined EMC Barcelona in 2021. He is developing numerous tasks oriented to this field to obtain his PhD as part of his project (Industrial Doctorates 2021).

Xileidys Parra

Project Controller. Postdoc.

PhD (2018, cum laude), Industrial Engineer (2004). Her doctoral research was developed at UPC’s Department of Statistics and Operations Research (EIO). Dr Parra focused on developing maturity models to evaluate the information-based decision-making process in SMEs, obtaining her PhD in 2018. Her technical expertise includes business management systems, quality assurance and improvement, business process management, process-based management, project management, and statistical techniques in process optimisation. Recently, she has focused on project management and control, addressing the requirements of R&D&I programs and funding agencies.

Marc García Bermúdez

R&D Engineer

Marc García Bermudez recently graduated in Telecommunications Electronics Engineering and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Aerospace Science and Technology Engineering. At EMC Barcelona, he primarily supports R&D projects, including the EMC-STD and emiSPACE.

Jan Fíguls Martínez

EMC Technician

Intern. Student of Telecommunications Electronics Engineering at the UPC. Currently working on the design of RF switches for test benches.

Judit Pujol Puig

EMC Technician

Intern. She is a final-year student in telecommunications electronic engineering at UPC. Currently, she is developing an antenna radiation pattern and EIRP measurement system, focusing on instrument control and user interface.