Agile Multi-domain EMI Evaluation

Time-domain electromagnetic emissions testing made easy
emiGO is a software-enabled EMI receiver compatible with various real-time sampling oscilloscopes.
Its user-friendly application interface helps you assess conducted and radiated emissions.
The multi-channel and multi-domain analysis features deliver much more technical insights for EMI troubleshooting. emiGO bridges the gap between EMC design and testing.
Step 1. Identification of the product and its applicable test conditions
Fill in the basic information about the product, operating mode, and other relevant test conditions to report and track the test-specific details.
Step 2. Set the acquisition
Activate multiple channels and set the vertical and horizontal conditions for the time-domain measurements.
Define triggering conditions for a better identification of EMI events.
Step 3. Configure the required processing
Using the acquired data from the active channels, define the frequency range, resolution bandwidth and measurement correction factors for your end results.
Add as many processes in parallel as needed to extract as much information from every measurement.
Step 4. Define the analysis and visualization
Assign the processed results to specific plots.
Combine and compare the spectrum of multiple processed inputs.
Add limit lines and access the advanced visualization interface.

Experience emiGO unique advantages
Live measurements
You can measure the electromagnetic emissions while improving your design through EMI mitigation techniques
FFT-based scans
The spectrum is provided for all weighting detectors, including QP.
No need for pre-scans since you always have final results.
Multi-channel setups
Have you tried simultaneously measuring conducted and radiated phenomena or CM and DM currents? Whit emiGO this is not only possible but easy to do.
Offline reprocessing
Measure once, process as many times as needed. Storing the complete waveforms makes it possible to recalculate the EMI spectrum for different resolution bandwidths and frequency ranges at any time.

emiGO helps you achieve EMC compliance
emiGO affordable EMC solutions give you a competitive advantage in electronic design, robustness and time to market.
An EMI receiver in the electronics workbench
Oscilloscopes are the instruments most commonly used by electronics designers. Contrarily, EMI receivers are primarily available only at EMC labs. emiGO enables compliant EMI measurements while still using oscilloscopes.
Efficient and effective EMI measurements
You can use emiGO either on the EMC test lab, as a troubleshooting tool in the designer’s bench, or for in situ testing. You can take emiGO everywhere you need to be.
A differentiated value for money
EMC is an domain where instrumentation has always been prohibitively expensive for SMEs. We propose to reduce the costs of our emiGO solutions to make them affordable to a broader sector.

emiGO: EMI measurements beyond standards
emiGO’s multi-channel and multi-domain approach enables unique applications that provide much more information than standardized emissions test methods. Below, we summarize some of them:
Simultaneous conducted and radiated emission tests
You can set several oscilloscope channels to measure the conducted and the radiated emissions of the EUT concurrently. Evaluate the impact of your EMI mitigation in both conducted and radiated phenomena while saveing time by parallelizing measurements.
Synchronize the measurements using well-defined triggering conditions
Use and configure the oscilloscope trigger to catch the emissions due to specific events. Improves the measurement repeatability and facilitate the correlation between time and frequency domains as part of the EMI troubleshooting process.
Time-gating for noise cancellation and transient removal
Time gating allows isolating the effect of a transient phenomenon and removing it from the measurement so the final spectrum corresponds only to stationary emissions components. This is very handy for in situ emissions tests.
All detectors, type of traces and resolution bandwidths at once
The entirely digital framework of emiGO allows the calculation of the emissions spectrum according to the different standard weighting detectors while using several different resolution bandwidths and frequency ranges at once.