Electrical Vehicles (EVs) and a growing EV charging system (EVCS) infrastructure are essential to the European Commission’s plans to build a competitive and sustainable transport system by 2050. However, as EVCSs push the limits of energy transfer technology, suitable methods and standards for their evaluation are needed. Traceable metrological methods, together with harmonised European regulation and standardisation, need to be developed for independent performance evaluation of EV charging systems. This will ensure accurate metering and efficiency and allow the characterisation of grid distortion caused by EVCS under realistic operating conditions.
This project aims to develop of metrology capabilities for the traceable evaluation of Electrical Vehicles Charging Systems (EVCS) under realistic operating conditions.
Granted by: EURAMET, Metrology Partnership, Industry Call 2023. Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Grant number: 23IND06/i03.