Agile Technologies for Multi-Domain Assessment of Electromagnetic Interferences

Start date: 01/01/2022
End date: 31/12/2023
Fecha de inicio: 01/01/2022
Fecha final: 31/12/2023
Innovative technological solutions for measuring and mitigating electromagnetic interference based on time-domain techniques. These solutions combine software and methods specifically created and optimized to use general-purpose instrumentation in evaluating conducted and radiated electromagnetic disturbances, allowing great versatility, efficiency and effectiveness compared to pre-existing technologies on the market.
The objective is to develop innovative technological solutions for measuring and mitigating electromagnetic interference based on time-domain techniques. These solutions combine software and methods specifically created and optimized to use general-purpose instrumentation in evaluating conducted and radiated electromagnetic disturbances, allowing great versatility, efficiency and effectiveness compared to pre-existing technologies on the market.
With this development, EMC Barcelona made available to the market a product that cover new sectoral challenges in an increasingly complex electromagnetic environment given the number of devices that can cause or be susceptible to interference, providing reliability to its customers and much more security for end users.
Granted by CDTI, call NEOTEC 2021. Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Grant number: SNEO-20211223.

Related entities

EMC Barcelona. Ext. Collaborators: UPC (ES); CMI (CZ)

Funding data

Total funding: 325 k€
Budget: 392 k€


Start date: 01/01/2022
End date: 31/12/2023
The objective is to develop innovative technological solutions for measuring and mitigating electromagnetic interference based on time-domain techniques. These solutions combine software and methods specifically created and optimized to use general-purpose instrumentation in evaluating conducted and radiated electromagnetic disturbances, allowing great versatility, efficiency and effectiveness compared to pre-existing technologies on the market.
With this development, EMC Barcelona made available to the market a product that cover new sectoral challenges in an increasingly complex electromagnetic environment given the number of devices that can cause or be susceptible to interference, providing reliability to its customers and much more security for end users.
Granted by CDTI, call NEOTEC 2021. Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Grant number: SNEO-20211223.

Entidades relacionadas

EMC Barcelona. Ext. Collaborators: UPC (ES); CMI (CZ)

Información de fondos

Fondos totales: 325 k€
Presupuesto: 392 k€


Fecha de inicio: 01/01/2022
Fecha de final: 31/12/2023